Sto Protect Anti Graffiti
The STO Anti-Graffiti coating system achieves a clear natural matt anti-graffiti finish over concrete and honed block surfaces.
The STO Anti-Graffiti coating when used in conjuction with the Resene anti-graffiti remover will stand up to the most common forms of graffiti, cutting down the number of times the wall will need to be recoated. In most instances the wall won’t need to be recoated, but if the system is exposed to constant attacks, the coating may need to be recoated at regular intervals depending on the nature of the graffiti being removed.
Sto Protect Anti Graffiti Projects
Sto Weather Proofing System
Cat 1, Cat 2, Cat 5
Coatings, and how they perform on architectural masonry, play an integral part in creating a masonry home that can withstand New Zealand's often wet and windy climate. When building with masonry, using the correct sealer [...]
Mauris Fringilla Voluts
Cat 1, Cat 2, Cat 3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam viverra euismod odio, gravida pellentesque urna varius vitae. Sed dui lorem, adipiscing in adipiscing et, interdum nec metus. Mauris ultricie est justos.
Nam Viverra Euismod
Cat 1, Cat 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam viverra euismod odio, gravida pellentesque urna varius vitae. Sed dui lorem, adipiscing in adipiscing et, interdum nec metus. Mauris ultricies, justo eu convallis placerat, felis enim [...]